The Cornhole Boards
- Will be placed on a flat surface 23-27 feet apart (front to front) at the discretion of the league.
- The cornhole board surface is a standard 2′ x 4′.
The Cornhole Bags:
- There should be 8 bags, 4 bags of each color. Consisting of 2 teams.
- Each bag should be 6 inches by 6 inches and have 1 pound of replica corn inserted into each cornhole bag.
Cornhole Game Play:
- Two teams of two people, teamed partners, shall play. Partners shall stand at opposite cornhole boxes on the same side, from the perspective of a third person, and face each other, so there is no advantage given to one team. If a team has more than two players they should rotate between players each inning but it is not required. You may not rotate in between the inning of bags. IE. You cannot rotate a player in until all 8 bags are thrown by both players on one side.
- Each cornhole team shall have 4 bags of one color.
- All 8 cornhole bags begin at one end.
- The home team will determine which cornhole team has honors in round one or an agreement.
- One of the partners on the team who has honors shall begin play by throwing a cornhole bag at the opposite cornhole box.
- A cornhole player may throw from anywhere behind the front of the cornhole box they are throwing from.
- Game continues by alternating throws between the two opponent players until all 8 cornhole bags have been thrown.
- If a cornhole bag hits the ground then bounces up onto the board, that bag shall be taken off the playing surface.
- The next half round starts when the other cornhole player on the team, which has honors, throws their first cornhole bag.
- The cornhole game continues until one team reaches 21 (do not need to be exact) or more points or 16 rounds whichever happens first. A round consists of all 4 players throwing their 4 bags.
- Game 5 is win by 2 up to 15 if time permits.
- Games are Best of 5 or 60 minutes. This is a hard time stop. Whatever the current score of the game is stands even if it is 1-0. If the game is tied it’s sudden death until the tie is broken.
- A foul occurs when any of the following happens.
- A cornhole players foot goes past the foot foul line, termed a foot foul.
- A player goes out of turn.
- A player goes to pick up the bags before the round is over.
- The player who caused the foul loses the throw when the foul occurred and the bag shall be removed if it landed on the playing surface.
- The score shall be taken after all cornhole bags have been thrown for a HALF round. A round is complete after all 4 players have thrown a total of 16 bags.
- Points shall be given as follows.
- 3 points for a cornhole bag that goes through the hole. Considered a Cornhole YALL
- 1 point for a cornhole bag that is on the playing surface.
- 1 point for a cornhole bag that is hanging into the hole.
- 1 point for a cornhole bag that is hanging off the edge but not touching the ground.
- 0 points for a cornhole bag that is on the playing surface, but also touching the ground.
- 0 points for a cornhole bag that is hanging off the front edge and is resting on a cornhole bag that is on the ground (unless the cornhole bag on the ground can be removed without making the hanging bag fall to the ground, then one point is given).
- The cornhole team with the highest round score, adds the difference of the two scores to their game score.
- The cornhole team who wins the round is given honors to throw first in the next round.
- If both cornhole teams have the same round score then the game score stays the same and honors stays with the team who had it the previous round.
- The winner is best 3 of 5 games.
Code of Conduct:
Penn Social Sports is committed to providing a safe, healthy, and enjoyable experience for all players. The league expects all players to enjoy the social sports experience while participating responsibly. Any player who cannot refrain from the following behaviors will be subject to ejection from the game, field, or league without refund and may possibly be banned from the league indefinitely.
- Foul or abusive language or obscene gestures. Behavior that is unruly, disruptive, or illegal in nature.
- Throwing objects and verbal or physical abuse/harassment towards umpires, field leaders, opposing players, or spectators.
- Refusal to follow instructions from field leaders.
- Any irresponsible behavior that results from intoxication or other signs of impairment.
- Acts that could be considered unsportsmanlike conduct. Please act like a responsible, respectful adult.
- Fighting is strictly prohibited. Any player that is observed fighting during a game will be ejected from the league indefinitely.
- A player may be ejected from a game by the field leader.
- Ejected players must leave the immediate area and have no contact with the field leader or participants in the game. If the ejected player refuses to leave, the game will be forfeited.
- Any player ejected from a regular season game will not be permitted to play in the next scheduled game.
- Any player ejected from more than one game in a season, the player will be ejected from the league for the remainder of the season.
- Any player ejected from three games during their Penn Social Sports career, the player will be ejected from the league indefinitely.
- Any player ejected from a playoff game will be suspended for the remainder of the play-offs.
- Anyone may report a player for offensive conduct, language, or physical abuse at any time. The reported player will have to meet with the league’s president and field leader.
In consideration of resuming adult recreational sports leagues and activities after government imposed closure mandates have been lifted, we are taking the following approach:
As a company, we will do our part to protect our staff members, referees and participants by instituting safety protocols to help prevent the spread of Covid-19 and also diligently inform our members of their personal responsibilities which are equally as important.
Guidelines for sports activities have been made available by the CDC, health agencies and state and local government which will be our primary reference points. These guidelines continue to evolve and we will remain vigilant in updating our practices.
On-site, any staff monitoring, administering or officiating activities will be wearing masks (when possible), keeping shared equipment sanitized (when possible) and observing for compliance while reporting any concerns back to the office.
Below are the steps we’re taking to maximize everyone’s safety, while allowing us to return to play. We’ll need everyone’s support and cooperation to keep us all safe, so make sure you and your teammates are following all of these!
Guidelines for Activities
- Follow all CDC, State and Local guidelines.
- All players, referees and staff must stay home if they have or have had in the past 24 hours any of the following symptoms:
- Temperature above 100.3
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Muscle or body aches
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Runny Nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Any other symptoms the CDC has identified as COVID-19 related
- Do not attend if you have been asked to self-isolate or quarantine by a doctor or local public health official within the past 14 days.
- Do not attend if you knowingly had “close contact” with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19 within the past 14 days. “Close contact” means living in the same household as a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, caring for a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, being within 6 feet of a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, or coming in direct contact with secretions (e.g., sharing utensils, being coughed on) from a person who has tested positive for COVID-19. Medical Professionals who are servicing COVID-19 patients are exempt from this portion of the guidelines.
We also require the following:
- No non-playing spectators at the game site.
- Bring and utilize your own personal face mask or improvised cloth face covering such as a scarf or handkerchief to reduce the risk of exposure to others throughout activity sites except when engaged in vigorous physical activity where such coverings may impose a health risk. Masks should be worn when entering or exiting the venue and in any public areas such as the bathroom.
- Bring and utilize your own supply of hand sanitizer and apply after touching door handles or other high-touch surfaces.
- Maintain six feet of distance from fellow participants and HDY staff members while outside an activity as well as whenever reasonably possible within an activity. No handshakes or hi-fives.
- Observe and follow any additional directions and precautions provided by the facilities themselves.
- Wash hands for at least 20 seconds or sanitize hands before and after each program, and after using the restroom, sneezing or coughing.
We will continue to reiterate the importance that individual responsibility has on broader communities of teammates, competitors, facility staff, neighborhood residents and beyond. We’re in this together and we must protect each other!